I love hanging out with my brother Patches. He also loves to read and has a blog of his own. You can check Patches' blog out here: readingwithpatches.blogspot.com
I learn something new from my older brother Patches every day. This past week I was surprised – and even shocked – to read his post about how San Diego Public Library compares to other California libraries when it comes to ebooks (http://readingwithpatches.blogspot.com/2014/11/the-trouble-with-san-diego-public.html). If you care about books, read his post and please tell others what you learn. If enough people speak out about just how smelly San Diego Public Library really is than we have the power to change how it operates for everyone's benefit.
I know that my focus is on children's literature, and that my brother's is on adults and other reading-related topics but from time to time he'll venture into my area and I may venture into his. Currently Patches is working on a review of the presence of some children's bookstores online, and he'll be posting his findings soon. (I'm so pleased that Patches decided to take my idea and run with it. This is a great help to me as I am up to my ears in children's literature to read and review.)